FTP Download las_vegas06
Track Information
- Type: 1.5-mile D-shaped Oval
- City:
- State: NV
- Tire Heat: 1.12 ; > modifies amount of heat going into the tire at a given track
- Tire Wear: 0.91 ; > 1.0 means more wear, i.e. 2.0 is twice normal wear, 0.5 is half normal wear
- Tire Wear Loss: 0.25 ; percentage of grip lost at full tire wear
- Tire Wear Expectancy: 0.92 ; > 1.0 gives a bigger fall off later in run < 1.0 gives a bigger fall off early in run
- Track Temp: 72.0 ; track average temperature on April 1 in deg F
- Track Temp Range: 5.0 ; one standard deviation from average in deg F
- Wind Direction: 250 ; compass heading in degrees from which wind is most likely (in this case from Northwest)
- Cloud Cover Probability: 0.83 ; probability of cloud cover, 0.0 to 1.0
- Track Temp Swing: 19.0 ;
- Wind Speed: 6.2 ; average wind speed at the track in MPH
- Wind Speed Range: 5.0 ; one standard deviation from average in MPH
- Pace Speed: 65
- Pit Speed: 45.0